Due to international customs regulations, we ship our nutritional supplements to the United States and Canada only.
FREE shipping for orders over $99 US dollars, applies to the United States only.
Domestic orders arrive within 5 to 7 business days, weather may impact normal delivery.
To place an order, our secure online shopping method is FASTEST.
For general customer service inquiries, questions about RETURNS or SHIPPING please fill out the form below (there's some info below the form that may answer your question too.) If you'd like to tell us how we can improve, drop us a note by filling in below:
Our customer service employees are not licensed or medically trained to answer personal health questions. Individual health questions or any concerns related to your own medical conditions must be directed to a licensed physician, we do not have anyone on staff for this. For urgent or emergency health concerns, call 911.
We offer world class service and handle each refund request on an individual basis. Please complete the contact form and we will take care of you with 100% satisfaction guaranteed.