I am so glad I purchased this magazine! I have been a long time fan of Suzy’s starting with reading her column in my local newspaper which led me to her 24 hour Pharmacist Book. It helped me so much going through menopause and navigating my hysterectomy. Saved me from going a bit crazy. I have gifted her book to many friends and family as it has so much incredible information. With my recent thyroid issues I instantly sought Suzy’s thoughts. I am a hairstylist and keep this magazine and her aging one in my studio for clients to check out. Many have asked where they can find it. I recommend it highly as it has alternative solutions and so much common sense information.
I have nothing but positive things to say about this magazine and consider it a great purchase. Thank you so much Suzy! Where can I find Vol. 2?
I ordered this thinking it’s probably the same stuff I have already read but was surprised to find a lot of new ideas and remedies. Thanks for writing it and helping me live it.