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Formulated by Suzy Cohen
America's Pharmacist®
Headaches and migraines are caused by many issues, and knowing the trigger helps you solve the problems and get rid of them once and for all. That’s what you will learn in the paperback book, Headache Free.
And then there is this thing called a “migrenade” which is Suzy Cohen’s term for the problem that triggers your headache. Examples of common migrenades include perfume, bright lights, changes in barometric pressure, a specific food or beverage, or bedding.
In her best-selling book, which was featured on The Dr. OZ Show, Cohen outlines a rescue plan for each type of headache. The headaches covered include hormone headaches, Lyme headaches, migraines, tension headaches, clusters and much more!
This is an information-packed book that addresses ways to reduce IL-6, TNF alpha and other pain-causing cytokines -both naturally and conventionally.
If you have headaches and you feel like nothing has ever helped you, read Headache Free and get all the strategies you need to reduce the frequency of headaches, and even eliminate them once and for all. YES, that is absolutely possible, no matter how long you have suffered.
With headaches, the number one deficiency that people have is magnesium. Restoring levels can reduce frequency of headaches within a month.
Chelated Magnesium is a patented blend of magnesium and malic acid. Malic acid puts the tart flavor in green apples and has well-documented studies regarding its ability to help with leg cramps and muscle health. The magnesium in this formula is a chelated type so that it will be gentle on the tummy, and highly bio-available. Most other magnesium products on the market do not get absorbed, and therefore do not cross into your brain where the help is needed.
This formula is so outstanding that it can be taken day or night, and you can control the dose. We recommend starting with one or two capsules at bedtime, and increase if desired, or as your practitioner recommends. Take it without regard to meals, any time of day.
Finally, magnesium is known as a “chill pill” because it changes the neurotransmitter levels in the body. It’s for instant calm.